por falar em vestir música
Alyce Santoro criou um um
tecido que se pode ouvir: feito de fita magnética e de algodão (50% de cada), pode-se ouvi-lo passando sobre o tecido a cabeça de leitura de um walkman, por exemplo.
Alyce explica de onde veio a ideia:

"I grew up racing small sailboats, and on sailboats you need indicators to tell the wind direction. These "tell-tails" can be made from feathers or small pieces of string or yarn. On my father's boat (a 19' Lightning class sailboat) his tell-tail of choice was made from a small strand of cassette tape because it's a light, wind-sensitive, and durable material. When I was a kid I used to imagine that I could hear whatever had been recorded onto the tape wafting out into the air if the wind hit the tell-tail just the right way. Years later, I learned about Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags. Colorful squares of fabric silkscreened with mantras are hung outdoors in auspicious locations where their blessings can be activated and sent off into the world on the wind. It seemed a natural progression to me to combine these two concepts to create a fabric with sounds I considered sacred woven into it."